Fingerprint scanner not working any more

Please go everyone to amazon to update your review! NOW


I’ve got the same issue. No response from fingerprint sensor.

Hi I am having the exact same issue. It used to work fine the finger print. But it stop sensing when I put the finger… tried different users … reboting ans still do not work. Please help

My fingerprint scanner just stopped working. I reprogrammed my finger and it took it, but doesn’t detect when I put it against the reader. It unlocks with the codes. I’ve cleaned it, replaced the batteries, reprogrammed my finger, and checked firmware. I haven’t factory reset it yet, but that may be next. I’ll be more upset if I do that and it doesn’t work.

Good afternoon,

I purchased my lock on July 6 2023 and My fingerprint scanner stopped working after the last time batteries needed change. It does not activate to register new one, it is also not reading any.
Please help

I’m in the same position. Except I removed it from my account and planned to add it again- with some apps and hardware issues, that will fix the problem.

Now it won’t even allow me to add the U Loc pro back because the fingerprint module isn’t working. So it’s a doorstop. :frowning:

What can I do to correct this?

I purchased several of the U-Tec products and it’s disappointing to deal with this already.

Mine acted up today. The finger print reader doesn’t react when one tries to unlock. Changed the batteries, no luck. Tried up update firmware, no luck. Did a factory reset, the lock let’s me add fingerprints do I know the reader is working. Still does nothing when trying to use the fingerprint reader. The customer support email is generic troubleshooting that you can find anywhere. And of course an offer for a discount on a new lock… What a joke and slap in the face from this company. I’ll be removing this lock and buying a reputable lock brand. I’ll also be spreading the word to as many people as I can. DO NOT BUY UTEC. it’s a fly by night company that will soon crumble.

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It doesn’t work. Go buy a schlage or kwikset. At least they have customer support. UTEC is awful

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Yes, UTECH warranty and tech support are awful. Yale has great products and live customer service and support.

I have the same issue on my device


This brand is nothing but headaches and there is no warranty provided by the manufacturer. I looking at Yale.

Hi all,
Im having the same issue with the finger reader not responding at all.

I know this is an old thread but I’m wondering if you could email me the file also? I’m having the same issue with my lock. It’s sad that utec isn’t doing anything to remedy this issue. Thanks in advance

So F’n pissed! I got Several push notifications when I woke up this morning with a beeping lock that was telling me that they were several Failed fingerprint attempts on my lock during the night. Check my cameras and there was absolutely no attempts made by an intruder but lo and behold. My fingerprint scanner does not work anymore. The fingerprint scanner failed during the course of the night causing push notifications to my phone that they were failed attempts using the fingerprint scanner, I have 10 of these locks and I’ve already had two others Fail as well, so far as well as two bridges along the way. Tech-support is no help and with all the money I have invested this. This is absolute BS!

Can we get a re-upload plz. File is gone.

Still have the APK and firmware?

Dear customers, we sincerely apologize for all these inconveniences caused. If you have similar issues, please click here to submit a ticket; our colleague will try their best to help. We appreciate your understanding.

Why? So you can try and convince us to buy a new lock?? When your developers intentionally broke the locks with BAD Firmware and refuse to rectify it…NO THANKS…if you have anything to offer please do so publicly, you may save face for the company a bit, heck a few of us MAYBE/might go change the 1 STAR review back to something acceptable. We don’t need a bunch of BOTs call center idiots giving us anything… We need a proper WORKING firmware update to fix those locks damaged by your BAD UPDATE. I am planning on filing a small claim in your local jurisdiction at bare minimum if this isn’t fixed soon, its been long enough…Honestly, I’ve handled much more robust companies, this won’t be an issue. I had DELL sending me apology letters for years because of similar intentional bricking…this long with a lack of a public fix is actively breaking MOSS MAGNUSON, and RIGHT TO REPAIR LAWS. In 2023, California enacted the California Right to Repair Act, which goes into effect on July 1, 2024 . You can find and research about the deception clauses of MOSS MAGNUSON all by yourselves…A public fix and apology should be posted immediately, stop illegal pay walling.

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Can someone post or email me the firmware/APK please?

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@Sanders We have replied to you via the ticket. Please check your e-mail for detailed reply.