Fingerprint scanner not working any more

I’ve been using my lock for a while now and I love it. Recently though the fingerprint reader is not responding at all. I used to work, although finicky about the fingerprints. It may have taken a few attempts before working. Now there is now reaction to the fingerprint. No error, no feedback at all. I have placed new batteries in the device and have tried resetting it. The keypad still works and I can use the app to lock/unlock it just fine.

What can I do to correct this?


@Bunn Please check your email. Our support team will follow up with you via the ticket number 95710.

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Im having exactly this same issue, and my lock is practically new!

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Hi, I also have this problem. Please let me know how to fix it.


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@Saltzman We created a ticket 102512 for you, and please check your email.

I’m having the same issue. This started a day ago. Suggestions on the fix? Same issues as Bunn.

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@Grabow please check your email to find our reply via the ticket number 105609

I’ve also have just started seeing the same issue. Auto lock stopped working, fingerprint and key codes don’t work any more. Key pad seems dead.

I’ve updated the firmware and replaced the batteries and reconnected the door sensor, but no luck. Lock is only a couple of months old.

Lock only locks/unlocks via app.

Please help.

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I have a U-Bolt Pro purchased in November 2020. Fingerprint sensor stopped working a couple of months ago. Ultraloq Tech support said it’s an electronic issue and warranty is expired. They offered a 30% discount to purchase new lock.

Now, keypad stopped working. Tried replacing batteries. With new batteries, the keypad works but in the app, it says “Depleted.” I removed batteries and tried other new batteries - same messages. Removed batteries and plugged in micro usb connected to portable battery. Lock works but same depletes message.

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@Gatoff @Osborne Please use your email address associated with your Ultraloq Products or Purchase Orders, and submit a ticket by clicking this link:

I have the exact same issue and don’t know how to fixed it. Try to contact support center but is the worst

i can not use my brand new lock either it does not recognize my finger and i just installed it yesterday

My fingerprint reader stopped working as well. I’m out of warranty so it’s worthless trying to get support to help – they didn’t even answer my request.

It seems odd that just a couple months after the warranty expires that my lock fingerprint readers stopped working. Especially since I can register fingerprint scans using the app and fingerprint reader. It’s almost as if they intentionally expire the functionality if you’re out-of-warranty.

Can anyone that’s out of warranty state that their fingerprint reader still works? Just curious…



@Martinez7 @elizabeth2 @Loscialpo Please use your email address associated with your Ultraloq Products or Purchase Orders, and submit a ticket by clicking this link:

No. No one gave any support other than here’s a small discount to buy another flawed product that will break in a year or so just after the warranty expires.

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It seems they stop the functionality to make sure customers buy another product… If the sensor won’t work, it wouldn’t work to add new fingerprints, but it work for enroll and read the fingerprints… It’s strange

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My fingerprint scanner also stopped working. No issues with the passcodes. Custer support was no help because its beyond the warranty date. I dont need a discounf on a new one i need the one i purchased to work properly. If so many people are having the same issue it must be some sort of defect. Has anyone been able to fix theirs?


So, this just recently started for me now too. Battery replaces, no changes to config or anything. The pad just doesn’t respond to a press to unlock. Is this really an intentional lockout or planned obsolescence? Pretty sure the Apple case proved that’s illegal if true. Please provide a resolution in thread, don’t try to manage this outside the thread. Users have a right to know how to resolve this concern.

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I just got the next version of this lock and the finger print and locking code are intermittently working. I love the concept of this lock and configuration, but need it to work more that 50% of the time. Otherwise I will be forced to return it…


If your fingerprint sensor light was on when pressing your finger on it, please click this link Tips for Improving Fingerprint Verification to find out how to improve your fingerprint verification.

If your fingerprint sensor light was off when pressing your finger on it, please check the wire and carefully reconnect the connector between the Interior Assembly and the Exterior Assembly. Guide to Disconnect/Reconnect the Keypad Wire

Note: Make a slow expiration (breath) from your mouth to the finger, which will help to moisten your fingertip. Is there any difference?

It would be more efficient to support you to submit a ticket directly.

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