I’m having the exact same issue. When I manually open the door the red light no longer comes on and no beeps. This is my second replacement lock.
Can we get an update on this issue please.
I’m having the exact same issue. When I manually open the door the red light no longer comes on and no beeps. This is my second replacement lock.
Can we get an update on this issue please.
Same here - it used to be that every time I shut the door it would lock. Now it will only lock if i’ve just unlocked it from the front panel
Same issue. I have only had this lock one week but I am finding that it is not auto locking after being manually opened (which means it is NOT locking after I leave, yikes) and while the geo fence sends notifications of being away and back. it NEVER unlocks when I return…never.
Hi, could you please lock and unlock your door 10 times in total, so that the auto-lock function will recover?
I have the same issue. The auto lock is suddenly not working anymore when unlocked form inside.
Couldn’t edit after posting…problem of the auto lock not working is occurring again. Now the red light that comes on when you manually unlock from the inside is not coming on either. Locking and unlocking 10 times every time you leave the house and hoping that it auto locks after that doesn’t seem like the best solution to this problem…
I’m also seeing this issue occur every few weeks. I can resolve it by temporarily removing the batteries, but first off this is very annoying, but also more importantly, it means that I can never trust the lock to auto-lock which pretty much makes the auto-lock functionality useless since I have to check it each time…
Same problem here. The product worked for about a month and now is completely unreliable in auto-locking.
I cannot now trust this lock in any way - will it stay locked when I’m away? - unless a definitive fix is provided. If this cannot be fixed, I will want my money back.
I see you’re list about locking and unlocking 10 times to fix the auto lock function but you don’t say how.
Do we manually turn the lock or use the app to do it?
I have the same problem with THREE locks that I installed at the same time. All are on the latest firmware. Removing the battery fixes the auto-lock for a few days, then it stops working again at around the same time for all three locks. UNACCEPTABLE!!
Auto unlock doesn’t work at all. Ever.
It doesn’t work with Android or iPhone.
The door sensor is paired and the app shows door’s status correctly.
All app permissions were set precisely as needed on both Android and iPhone. All settings were done correctly. [I’m a software (Android) developer].
The app controls the lock just fine, but that’s not what I bought this smart lock. I bought it for the auto unlock feature that doesn’t work.
Firmware is up to date.
I have no choice but to report it to Amazon, post a negative review and return the lock.
This is happening to me too and resolve it the same way too by taking out the batteries and putting it back in.
Is anyone going to give us any support or feedback here? This is ridiculous.
Is this a known issue being worked on? No responses so far on this issue that is still occuring for me.
I also started facing same issue after a month of use. Surprisingly it started together for both of my locks. Seems like it has already been reported by many customers, has company never responded with a fix or provided any ETA?
Same thing was happening to me for a long time. I replaced the internal portion of the lock with a replacement sent due to my battery drain issues, and I haven’t had the issue since, but this seems to be something that happens after a while of things working fine.
My partner also bought one of these and it’s now rarely auto-locking.
This is really terrible U-Tec.
Basic functionality of the lock is for it to lock, and the fact that the lock is showing in the app as ‘Door Closed’ and ‘Unlocked’, means that it’s in a state where it should know it should lock.
Seems to be 100% fixable by a software fix, and yet no updates after months of these issues.
Hey U-Tec, where is the fix for this stupid bug?! I just dropped so much money on two of your Pro WiFi locks for my house and they don’t even lock automatically. What a scam.
FIX THE ISSUE or give us our money back
Here to report the same issue. Have had the lock for about a month and suddenly it has decided to just stop auto locking. We’ve come home multiple times this week to find the door not locked. The app shows it in an unlocked state and the sensor seems fine. If I click lock in the app, it locks just fine.
A fix or at least a reply that a fix is being worked on would be appreciated.
BTW, went to check recent reviews of the lock I bought from Amazon and the listing is no longer there which means reviews can’t be left.
Is anyone at U-Tec following this thread, or are we just complaining to each other?
I’ve had this problem since I received a replacement for my first lock. And I’ve been following this thread since I found it. No one at U-Tec seems to be aware of this.
This is a clear flaw in the design. The fact that it won’t auto lock when unlocked manually defeats the purpose entirely.
Say you leave to go for a walk. To exit through your front door (where I assume most of us have it installed) you must unlock manually. It slips your mind to press the lock button. After all, you have a smart lock. While your out anyone can just enter your home and have free run of the place. Take anything, or something more nefarious. Heaven forbid you become the victim of a home invasion.
U-Tec needs to fix this for liability sake alone. It’s in their own best inverest to address this issue. 9 to 10 months is much to long to let this go on with no comment or update.
Another thing I just realized is that I am not getting notifications when the lock is manually locked or unlocked though the notification is set up.
Same problem, started 2 days ago. does anyone know if this has ever been fixed for any individual?