To use the Ultraloq Air, you need to make the following preparations:
(1) Prepare Locks
The locks that support the Air function are the following models: U-Bolt WiFi, U-Bolt Pro WiFi, Latch 5 Fingerprint, and Latch 5 NFC. Other models are not currently supported.
Lock Firmware: at least 01.31.XXXX (if your lock firmware is not able to upgrade, please go to to contact our support team to get an upgrade plan).
If you have set up this lock before, please completely reset your lock before adding it to Ultraloq Air
(2) Install the App
Download the latest App(V2.1.x) from Google Play and App Store.
(3) Visit the Ultraloq Air platform
After registering locks in the U-tec App, you can visit: Ultraloq air
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