UltraLoq pro Wi-Fi lock not working remotely

Has anyone gotten the U-tec app so work remotely with the pro Wi-Fi lock?

I would like to have access to the lock remotely, but when I’m out of my in home Wi-Fi, the app doesn’t seem to switch over to mobile data to use the app remotely. I have a iPhone 13 and this is a problem from day 1, any suggestions. Thanks Jim

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First you need to make sure your WiFi is enabled by going to your lock, tap the upper right hand corner Gear Symbol. That takes you to Settings, then scroll down to WiFi which should say enabled. What is the WiFi State? Make sure that says Connected. If it isn’t, tap Switch WiFi to get connected. As stated in the manual, the lock is only able to connect to 2.4GHZ. If you are unsure what that is, here is a write up on the subject. https://support.u-tec.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059585052-How-to-find-out-whether-my-WiFi-network-is-2-4GHz-5GHz-or-2-4GHz-5GHz-dual-band-
If you are able to connect to WiFi, the lock should communicate via WiFi, and you can test whether it works by disabling the WiFi and Bluetooth on your cell phone. That way your cell phone will act like it’s out in town and you can test the lock WiFi connection.
If you are still unable to control the lock via cellular signal, I would suggest giving a call to support or enter a ticket for help. Our phone number is 1844 HEY UTEC and ticket entry is at support.u-tec.com. Feel free to contact us for help.

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Greetings, thanks very much for the reply. The biggest problem is the Wi-Fi changes to connected to disconnected. Once outside the house (Wi-Fi), it goes to disconnected. My router shows the lock is using 2.4 and has a IP address. In the house, I check and recheck my Wi-Fi connection and it’s connected, then disconnected.

Before leaving the house this am, it was showing connected with good signal.

When I tried to access the lock remotely, it just showed disconnected. I have never been able to access the lock remotely since day 1

The Auto Unlock never worked until I removed the door sensor and now it works like a charm, but the
Wi-Fi remains a issue. Some times my it show disconnected, but signal is good.

I do have a ticket in and have been working with support.

I had thought my community post was to the community, trying to see what others are doing with the Wi-Fi issue, so I apologize the post went to support again.

One of the recommendations is to replace the inside unit, but I had asked if they thought that would fix the Wi-Fi issue, haven’t heard back yet, so we’ll see what happens.

I reset the lock 5/6 times and reset my router the same, but Wi-Fi goes on and off.

Thanks again for the reply. Have a great night


I seem to be having the same issue. However I have received a replacement part to fix the battery drain issue, but now can’t connect to the lock remotely. I was able to for a while but since this is a second home 2 hours away I can’t easily check if it’s just disconnected from Wi-Fi or if it’s the battery issue again. Nonetheless, while I appreciate U-Tec’s great support, the lock itself is proving to be very unreliable. I do know, because I can check it remotely, the Wi-Fi is working fine.

They are not perfect for sure. I think everyone who owns a U-Tec lock will agree and the battery issue is a problem. Before they replaced the inside wifi unit, I couldn’t access the lock remotely at all and the auto lock never worked. I removed the door sensor and the auto lock feature started working. Once they replaced the wifi part, I’m now able to access the lock remotely if need be. Another thing I changed is the batteries. Their stock batteries are not that good. Apparently, Lithium batteries are supposed to work much better, so gave them a shot. My battery status in the app reads “High”, which it never did before. The price for U-tec’s Lithium batteries are less expensive than other high end Lithium batteries. Amazon has a 8 pk for $17. Not sure if you tried these or not, but if not, maybe give them a try. Unfortunately, you have to keep after them to get your issues resolved. Good luck…

U-tec AA Ultra Lithium Battery (Pack of 8), 3000mAh 1.5V, Longest-Lasting AA Battery, Up to 10 Years in Storage and No Leaks Guaranteed, Works in Extreme Temperatures, Non Rechargeable

I am having the exact same issue. Brand new lock installed last week. WiFi works on other devices and set at 2.4 ghz. I set up WiFi on the lock app and it connects, then immediately disconnects and appears to revert to Bluetooth. App control of lock only works while I’m in my own house.

I can’t connect remotely to control the lock! That’s the whole purpose of this smart lock. Please help!

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Same issue - bought this lock brandnew and installed yesterday. Wifi will connect, then drops and says “Disconnected”. Sometimes it seems to reconnect but then drops again. My network is completely stable and it is connected from about 15 feet to the 2.4ghz SSID. Also, Auto-Unlock refuses to work. Are there firmware fixes for this product? This smartlock has all the features I wanted but if they don’t work from day 1 I dont’ have much faith in this product longterm.

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I have the same issue.

I just bought the pro wifi lock expecting to be able to open the door while on vacations, but remote connection does not work, very disappointing.
Wifi connects and shows good signal strength when I am home, but when I leave, the remote conection is not available and the " connecting " screen never reaches the lock.

I have tried disconnecting from wifi, repairing, and still the same problem.

Ant advice to make wifi work properly? Unfortunately i see i am not the only one in this situation. So I guess is a peoblem with this brand/model

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I finally was able to get my lock reconnected to our beach home Wi-Fi as I had to wait until I could get to the house to fix it with Bluetooth. I turned off the 5 ghz all together on our new TP-link mesh Wi-Fi and it seems to be stable now. I’ve tested it by turning off the Bluetooth on my phone so it would force it to use the Wi-Fi. It’s a bit odd that it isn’t able to distinguish between the bands and select the right one. Other smart devices like Rachio and RainPoint do this without a problem.

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Be sure, if you have a dual band Wi-Fi, that it can only connect to the 2.4 ghz band.

I have had the same problem. Just remove the batteries for a minute and it should fix itself. I suggest removing the batteries from time to time so the problem does not arise again