I have a Pro Wifi, running firmware 01.41.0023. I am getting the flashing red LEDs every 7-10 days. Wifi is turned off. I was gone for four days so no lock usage at all. What is going on? The kick works great aside from the battery drain. I would love to have wifi since I paid for that model, but I could live without those features. I should not have to worry about the lock preventing my kids from getting inside. Any suggestions? Someone mentioned a hardware fix late last year - how do I get that?
Sorry, I changed the batteries last night so it might be a few days for video. I am talking about the external red LED that flashes three times when you attempt to unlock the door. It will go green and unlock. Changing batteries will make the lock work normally, without the flashing red lights, but with Wifi disabled and no one using the door often, batteries should last longer than a week!