Ultraloc Pro Wifi Auto unlock once inside?

The auto unlock work when I’m already inside (??)even if I get the notification that it will unlock approaching the door.
When i use my ultraloc front ldoor lock with my finger print (auto unlock disable on that one), I get inside and then the back door lock opens (auto lock enable on this one). Great it’s work… No, no because if I want to enter home by the back door, it won’t unlock automatically even if I have the pre-message that it will unlock when approching the door is sent. :thinking:
I have to unlock it with the code or my finger print or… The key.

I see 124 ppl have seen your post guessing i make 125 because not only have i seen this post but i am experiencing the same thing or the auto unlock doesn’t work at all. Not sure if we will ever get a helpful answer.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not that this will make you happy, but here’s an explanation based on my experience and reverse engineering.

AutoUnlock is essential a feature of the app, not the lock. When your phone leaves and re-enters the geofence, the app starts looking for your lock’s bluetooth signal and tells you your lock will unlock when you approach the door. When you get close enough to the lock, the app uses its bluetooth channel to send an unlock command to the lock…IF it has made the bluetooth connection it was looking for.

If that bluetooth connection hasn’t been made, the command is NOT sent and the door remains locked. Unfortunately, if you manually unlock the door and enter the house, it appears that the app doesn’t [always?] cancel the “looking for bluetooth connection” instruction and thus even after you’ve locked the door from the inside, if the BT connection is established, it unlocks your door.

You can argue the merits of basing autolock on BT but my guess is it is a legacy decision based on the first locks having only BT built in (and using an optional bridge to link to wifi). It also has some security benefits insofar as your phone has to be physically close to the lock for autounlock to happen.

Finally, anecdotally, people with bridges seem to have less problems with autounlock because (my guess) those locks are easier to establish the BT connection, compared to locks with with wifi built in (my guess is they overlaid wifi on top of the original BT so the locks can’t use BT if they are communicating over wifi).