U-bolt pro zwave locking/unlocking issue


I have U-Bolt Pro Zwave version. I just installed my 4th one, and this one in particular locks and unlocks differently than my other three of the same models. It will lock fine, but when it unlocks, I have to fight what it feels like motor winding to lock it in person. If I do lock it manually in person, when it unlocks, it seems like the motor has to work twice longer to unlock. Does anyone has same issues? I don’t notice the lock doing this unless I manually lock/unlock.

ticket number (125923)

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Hi, we will reply you in the ticket 125923 and please check it.


I have similar issue.
It has been ok but recent 3 months, it kept resisting to open by hand if it was locked by motor and feel like I’m reversing the gears.

If I lock by hand, then I can unlock by hand easily same as before.

I’m also having the same problem. It is really hard to open the doors. Actually my kids can’t open the latch at all.

Hi, l have replied to you in ticket 260837, and please check your email box later