Auto lock has quit working

My auto lock has all of a sudden quit auto locking or sending notifications. Everything is showing correctly. My back door is working properly.

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I think what is most annoying is the intermittency of operation.
At times it works perfectly and then it will unlock very early or at the last second. There’s no ‘science’ to it.
The last few days it hasn’t operated at all even though I get the notification that I’m home.
It’s a mystery. :man_shrugging:

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I had the similar issue, but I reset the device and the bridge to get it to work again. Although it has yet solve the issue. I experienced that time to time the device quite sync with the bridge and the remote control stop working.


Taking the batteries out and putting them in did the trick. The auto locking is always a gamble . More often than not it’s still locked even tho I got notification I’m home. But every once in awhile it will start to unlock as soon as, I start to press in my code.

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