With the UBolt NFC you must set the “Utec NFC emulator” as the default payment service in Android NFC settings for it to work. What this means is that you can no longer use Google Pay (or Samsung Pay or whatever payment service you use) without changing your NFC settings between going shopping and unlocking your front door.
I really like the product otherwise and would really love to keep using it, but I also purchased it primarily for the NFC feature, which I’ve not been able to use for this reason. Has anyone figured out any tips or tricks or some kind of viable workaround while we wait for the product team to investigate this and respond?
I’ve already posted on the wishlist forum here, however, I’m looking for any other UBolt NFC or Latch NFC users with similar experiences and if you’ve got any tips, tricks, or workarounds for the issue.
Thank you!