Deactivate the auto lock on Latch 5 NFC

I bought the first device u bolt pro and like how the software allow me to have FULL control over when the door is lock and open but when bought the second lock latch 5 NFC is does not allow the door lock to be unlock at all times unless i choose the lock mode passage which does NOT allow me lock through another app called smart things since you have chosen not have an option on the app to unlock and lock at a schedule time. IF the latch 5 NFC had the u bolt pro same software options, I would not be needing to communicate this request. Its hard to know everything about the app when you first install the lock and never thought your company would have limitations that the latch 5 nfc does and the u bolt pro does NOT. It seems so simple to to have full control from the app when i want the door to open and stay open. I though being in the normal mode it would NOT auto lock but its does. If you have a check box to not use auto lock then it would not control when it is lock. There is no choice to deactivate the auto lock timely which seems very unusual. Hopefully you understand my frustrations concerning this matter and you will be encourage to make the appropriate changes me to keep purchasing your product.