U-Bolt disconnecting from wifi

Please tell me what you mean,

Please explain in more detail what you mean by “upgraded”.

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I’m am having the exact same issue still. There have been updates pushed with no change. I would love to replace both of them with the ones that don’t need a wifi bridge. Would U-tec be willing to do that? I purchase these like others to be able control my property remotely.

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They push remote updates to your bridge “somehow” and its suppose to help with 3rd party devices such as routers. It never worked for me.

I wish so to, im considering giving up on this product, ive had countless back and forths with no solution. I never thought a product could give me so much anxiety.

@Tran3 Please check your email to get update via the ticket number 109054

@Onelinez We upgraded your Bridge as well, if the problem persists, Please click here https://support.u-tec.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to submit a ticket directly. If we decide your device is defective, we’d be happy to offer a free replacement under warranty. Please don’t worry.

It still shows the same thing as server status = error. Is the server down or something?

@Yau Please click here https://support.u-tec.com/hc/en-us/requests/new to submit a ticket directly. If we decide your device is defective, we’d be happy to offer a free replacement under warranty. Please don’t worry.

Both of my bridges have stopped working with both locks. I have disconnected and reconnected both the locks and bridges. They are very unreliable. And one of the bridges shows that my Bluetooth signal is weak (when my phone is basically touching it) but the WiFi is good. Is there any updates for the bridges?