Time bound access for first and last day!

This lock cannot safely be used for a short term rental as the guests access starts at midnight on the first day and ends at midnight on the last day. This means they have access to the house before checkin and after checkout. I’ve checked the backlogs and this has been requested for several years. Of all the things being requested, this seems the most basic from a coding standpoint. Disappointing and telling that it hasn’t been done.

What lock are you using currently? The feature has been added to the latest U-tec Apps, but there seems to be some lock models that still doesn’t support the updated feature. I have been following up on this issue, and will provide updates as I receive them. Sorry for the inconvenience.


The model number just says Ubolt pro where I ordered it from Amazon. Here is the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082TNN1QB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

If it could be made to work on this lock it would be perfect! I’m currently using another brand but it isn’t as reliable.

JJ Jones

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Checking on this. I hate my other lock so much!

Maybe you can tell me the Ultraloq models that support this feature? I’ll buy that to replace the Yale I have and don’t like.

JJ Jones

Following as I have the same question.

All, I can say I’ve tried the U-Bolt Pro with WiFi and the not yet in the market Bolt NFC/FP and they have the time next to the date when creating temp users. The Latch 5 works on the Air platform, but not on the App. The U-Bolts that use bridges do not work. I’ll continue to follow up on this and will post as soon as I get more information.

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