Network connectivity stability with V5 latch Fingerprint

Ever since upgrading to the latest version of latch fingerprint lock, which has direct Wi-Fi connectivity to my Wi-Fi network the stability of connectivity to the latch is horrendously bad. I’ve done absolutely everything to the point of even placing an access point only 6 feet away so the connectivity is extremely good as the Lock reports however getting consistent communications to the And from the lock with the Utech app is terrible. In fact it’s better using a third-party app like SmartThings to unlock and unlock the lock versus the u tec app. My request here is stability improvements to be focused on so that the lock is consistent and can be speedily unlocked , and locked and new users removed in seconds not timeouts constantly. Am I the only one experiencing this seeing timeouts all the time for a Wi-Fi connected u Tec Lock?

@WEST1 We have created a ticket for you. Here is the ticket number #237622. Please keep an eye on your inbox.

WEST1 I had similar connectivity issues with my U-bolt pro wifi locks some time ago. Support never offered a remedy that worked. Here is what I did that improved my connectivity greatly. I suggest going into your router set-up and configure 2.4Ghz to a single 20MHz bandwidth (disable 40MHz). Also, changed auto channel to either 1 , 11, or 6 attempting to find the emptiest of the three. After doing this my wifi connectivity with the lock has been very good for over a year now.