Latch 5 - Cannot Disable Autolock

I purchased a Latch 5 for the door between garage and house, after loving the U-Bolt previously installed at front door. Unfortunately the latch 5 has autolock which cannot be disabled, which is very surprising and disappointing. The lock is currently set full passive mode to avoid having to unlock the door over and over. Is there a workaround for this? And/or will this function be included in future firmware updates?
It’s a show stopper for us, we’ll probably remove and scrap the lock if there is no workaround or hope for future. Unfortunately we destroyed the packaging before realizing the key feature is not there.
Thank you,

@Scott10 Auto lock can’t be turned off in the app for lever locks, including Ultraloq Latch 5 Series, Ultraloq UL3 Series, Lever, UL1, and UL300. To disable this feature, you need to switch to passage mode in the app by accessing the settings and selecting lock mode followed by passage. How to Set Up Ultraloq Smart Lock Passage/Lockout Mode?

Unlike deadbolt locks, the lever lock’s latch will always stay locked even if the lock is changed to passage mode or within the setup time of the auto lock. To open the door, simply push down on the handle. Please click here to find more information you need for Auto Lock function. How to Set Up Auto Lock for Ultraloq U-Bolt Series?

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When in passage mode, how can the door be locked without an administrator switching it back to ‘normal’?
Are there any code sequences or handle maneuvers?

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I see the Auto Lock can be delayed as little as 3 Seconds and as much as 5 Minutes; might I strongly suggest increasing the max Auto Lock delay to a few Hours? I imagine that would be a fairly easy app update. People like us would really appreciate it, and would prevent some Negative Reviews.


OP Here, I’m still using the lock as a simple passage, and not impressed by it. I could have bought a closet passage door instead. So disappointing, I love our other Utec deadbolt, it’s fantastic. And such a seemingly simple change would make this useful.


I just installed the latch 5 fingerprint and came here to get the answer to the exact same question, ie how can I turn off the autolock function like you can with the Ubolt which I also have. I was very surprised and disappointed that you cannot turn Autolock off whilst leaving all other settings the same. Surely this is an easy fix. The lock as it is , which I use for my Airbnb is not fit for purpose! You have to be able to go in and out without the door locking everytime.

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exactly. It’s still shocking to me, such a waste. We do not use the locking feature at all due to this, which makes it a total wasted purchase and installation.

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