Cloud time log 32 hours ahead of my time

Is there a way to set up my own time and date for the log? My notifications are saying the events are happening 32 hours in the future.
For example I unlock the lock at 11pm on Feb 1st, when I check the log it say the lock was unlocked at 7 am on February 3rd.
Model Bolt F-W
FW 1.43.0029

Other issues I’m having is that the lock keeps saying WIFI UNKNOWN and no matter how many times I turn the lock sounds off, it keeps turning them back on automatically.

Is this lock really that buggy? I just installed it today but if that’s the case than I will return it and get a different one. Especially since I paid $200 for it.

@Jon Hi Jon, we have contacted you in ticket #461844, please kindly check your e-mail. Thanks!