Unreliable lock, terrible App

I genuinely believe, all things considered (product, App, customer service) this is the worst purchase I’ve ever made.
The lock stopped working (as I see it has for MANY people), it won’t connect. I haven’t used the App since setting it up and it didn’t save my password. But that’s fine right as there is a “forgot password“ button? No, that button just closes the App when you push it. But I can try on the website and reset from there right? No, the button to “send a code” to your email just spins and spins and spins, then goes back to the enter email and ask for code.

So it’s Friday, my kids can’t get in the house. And as its late U-Tec CS is closed.

Terrible support from an App which clearly doesn’t work, a website that doesn’t work either, and a product that frequently stops working. My most regrettable purchase ever I think.

@Steve1 Please give us a chance to make it right. We updated your ticket 162149

@Steve1 This is a known bug which had been fixed by upgrading your U-tec App to the latest version 2.1.14 iOS