Quick Poll - Do you use Auto Lock?

Yes. Totally love it at the front door. Kids just close the door behind them without locking.

Absolutely. A little balancing to find the best length of time to still step out quickly when you firget an item etc, but that to me is an essential fir a lock. Now im just hoping the door sensor eill prevent it from locking while the door is open.

Yes on both locks. It can be annoying in certain situations, but the hassle is worth it as everyone in our house is forgetful. At least the doors are always locked at night/when we leave the house.


I used to, but my roommate entertains a lot. And that means they go outside to smoke. So they would leave the door ajar to get back in. This was a big problem in the winter here in Michigan. And I wasn’t about to give them all codes all the time. So I had to disable that feature.

Yes, five minute delay

Yes, i do, but i would love a little more control on how much time. something like from 1 - 10 minutes.

Yes on 2 out of 2 doors that I have ubolt pro wifi units installed on

Yes, we use it across 4 doors in our house. I agree it can be cumbersome, but I like knowing that my wife left the door open again so I can go close it.

Yes, on both UL3 2nd Gen Locks.

Yes! Couldn’t live without it!

Yes, on 4 locks installed in our home.

Got two at the moment and No.
Bugs me down when I leave the door open for a couple of minutes doing round trip to the car with the groceries… don’t want to trust the geolocalisation with phone either.
I also think auto-lock on a garage man door is inappropriate…
Just my 2c.