Lock keep on relocking after 30 seconds

For the past months the lock keeps on re-locking after 30 seconds when automatically unlock.
Have to run from driveway to get the door in time!

Time was change to 2 minutes then 5 minutes in auto lock features with no effect.
Tried removing batteries overnight with no effect.

Firmware 02.26.0020

@Martel Hi there, we have contacted you in ticket #374007, please kindly check your e-mail. Thanks!

After another user remarked about this phenomenon, I tested it for myself (I don’t use autolock usually) and sure enough it appears that auto-unlock doesn’t reset the autolock timer, so autounlock becomes pretty much useless even though either one alone may work just fine. Please let us know if the “U-tec Team” helps you via ticket #374007

Hi, thanks for reaching out.
Your are asking to update the firmware to newest 02.33 but app says I have the latest firmware at 02.26.0020 therefore won’t allow to update.

Good. I thought there was something wrong with my setup. I have the same behavior. Is there a fix?

Is there anyone left in this company? No phone number no customer service no nothing. Whats up with them?

For those wondering, the issues got fixed.
For some reason my app was showing I had the latest firmware at 02.26.0020 but there was a new one that fixe the issue.

Don’t know who but they’ve “pushed” the newest firmware 02.33.0020 so my app would see it and download it.

Had to try 4-5 times to update my lock but so far so good. It worked.

@Levin1 @Oppenheimer Dear customers, we apologize for this inconvenience caused. Please go to the setting page to update the firmware of the lock. If the issue remains, please click here to submit a ticket so that we can help further.


I went to settings page and clicked on firmware and it says I have the latest version 02.26.0020


From “Agent via U-tec Community” <notifications@u-tec.discoursemail.com>
To sdlevin@gmail.com
Date 1/23/2025 10:34:05 PM
Subject [U-tec Community] [ULTRALOQ Smart Lock] Lock keep on relocking after 30 seconds

Levin1, maybe it’s easier to reach the by e-mail.

But you seems to have exactly the same issue I had, the app stuck at an older firmware.
So far so good, it worked.

Are you kidding me? I have five locks three of the same series. Look up my history and push the updates for the three locks that I bought from you. Your support sucks. I normally am able to fix whatever you can’t seem to get back to me on. But this one I do need your help.

PS. One of my locks is stuck on 02,23.0020 and will not update to 02.26.0020.

Hi, we have replied you in the ticket 444287, and please check your email box later.

Hi Sally, I have the same issue - auto unlock stays unlocked for only 30 seconds and the auto lock timer won’t extend it. I am at Firmware 2.31 and that is the latest. I filled out a help request form, but haven’t seen an acknowledgement you’ve received it. Could you/someone let me know if I’m in the queue for service? Thanks.

Hi, we have replied to you in ticket 461839, and please check your mailbox later.