What updates are there in Firmware version 01.43 (using U Bolt Pro Wifi)

Would like to see a changelog for the firmwares. I am updating fro 1.41 to 1.43 across four of these locks in two homes. I understand there may be some need for security through obscurity, especially in home security hardware, but I still would like some details to know what may have been changed, fixed, or improved over the versions.

I asked for this when I upgraded from version 1.36 to 1.38: What updates are there in Firmware version 01.38.0023 (using U Bolt Pro Wifi)

And I see Will the community manager gave us a little of a changelog with version 1.41: New firmware 01.41.0023 released

But would really benefit as a tech-savvy end-user to know what might have been updated, and how I might use the hardware and app differently, especially when I use most of the features already available to the user in the app. Please consider maintaining a public changelog for these products.


Hi, we have replied to you in the ticket 247263, and please check you email box later.

Is the changelog only available to individuals on request? That seems rather non-transparent of U-tec

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